New Google Update Preview – Caffeine

If you want to see how your site will fair in Google’s next major update, have a look here: Google announced today its intention to re-engineer some of its workings, particularly how fast it indexes content, in an effort to improve its real-time search results, an area where it senses the market is movingContinue reading “New Google Update Preview – Caffeine”

Canonical tagging and Google Analytics

Apologies for the paucity of posts recently, I’ve been very busy delivering training and consultancy for the eBusiness Programme. Presenting my new Google Analytics & Conversion workshop (four times in a week!), Analytics is very much on my mind and I spotted this on Erik Vold’s blog, relating to the previous post here about theContinue reading “Canonical tagging and Google Analytics”

Solve your Duplicate Content woes – the Canonical tag

The major search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN of course! 🙂 ) have announced that they will all support the use of the “canonical” tag as a way to understand duplicate content pages in a site. In essence, this means they are providing a way for webmasters to tell them which version of a pageContinue reading “Solve your Duplicate Content woes – the Canonical tag”

Linkspam – Link Farms Alive & Well, Time to Fight Dirty

I received an amusing email via one of my site’s yesterday whilst feeling slightly feverish on the sofa (it’s December, it must be time for a cold!) The (poorly formatted) email was from a chap offering to “hand deliver… quality links and rankings” to me. How would one do such a thing, I pondered? HeContinue reading “Linkspam – Link Farms Alive & Well, Time to Fight Dirty”

Google SearchWiki voting buttons in the UK

If you have a Google account and are logged in whilst searching, you’re now likely to see these buttons (in the UK at least): These let you promote (the up arrow) or remove (the cross) an individual search result from the listing. You can also add your own comments using the speech bubble icon atContinue reading “Google SearchWiki voting buttons in the UK”

New Keyword Analysis tool coming soon!

I’ve been busy training a lot lately and also developing a new keyword analysis tool, which I’m very excited about. It’s nearly ready, I just need to get a few bugs ironed out and come up with a name! The keyword tool will use both Google and Wordtracker data and perform competitive analysis on aContinue reading “New Keyword Analysis tool coming soon!”

First Click Free – the solution to Google’s “protected” content problem?

I was discussing the issues around “hidden” or “protected” content with a client yesterday, specifically the problem that as a website owner you want as much content in the search engine’s index as possible, so that your site will be found, but you don’t actually want humans to see it without registering/paying. This is anContinue reading “First Click Free – the solution to Google’s “protected” content problem?”

Successful SEO for Kent Guitar Classics

I’m pleased to report that after a trip to Andalucia, home of many of the finest classical guitar makers (and hence the lack of posting here lately), I returned to find that the SEO work on Kent Guitar Classics‘ site is beginning to pay off. For some of the key target terms, such as “classicalContinue reading “Successful SEO for Kent Guitar Classics”